Thursday 10 January 2013

69 children born to one woman!

 69 children born to one woman!
It's really hard to fathom, but a woman in Russia gave birth to 69 children in the 1700s. She holds the record for the largest number of children born to one mother. The wife of Feodor Vassilyev gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765. 67 of them survived infancy.
69 back in the 1700's by a Russian woman with several sets of twins and triplets.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Nile River

Nile River  its has a length of about 4.132 miles (6.650 km) and drains an area estimated at 1.293.000 square miles ( 3.349.000 square kilometers ).
Its basin includes parts of Tanzania , Burundi, Rwanda, the democratic of the Congo , Keni , Uganda, South Sudan , and the cultivated part of Egypt . Its most distant source is the Kagera river in Burundi.



John Deere 1270E harvester in the forest

Modern technology for the exploiting of forest
see the video :

John Deere 1270E harvester in the forest

Saturday 29 December 2012


The Karavasta lagoon is the largest water surface of this wetland complex. The lagoon is divided by the sea and by Divjaka pine forest. In the eastern part, agricultural land borders the lagoon. Karavasta lagoon is composed by the inner lagoon and a smaller outer lagoon. Karavasta is one of the two Ramsar sites of Albania.

The Lagoon is the largest lagoon in Albania. Certainly the most beautiful lagoon in the Adriatic Sea, it is located about an hour's drive away from Fier. Lagoon separated from the sea by pine forest of Divjaka. Laguna is composed of an inner lagoon and a smaller outer lagoon. Three channels connecting the lagoon with the Adriatic Sea. Laguna was declared a National Park and is the only official venddodhje protected by the Ramsar Convention.

The Lagoon is the westernmost country in Europe where curly pelican (Pelikanus crispus) makes the nest, also about 5% of the population of birds all over the world lives in Karavasta and often you can see them flying, even on city Divjaka . Laguna also houses a large number of migratory water birds. In total counted 228 species of birds. Among the birds that live in the lagoon are: Pelican Curly, heron Great White Wild Rosa, partridge, teal, skylark, I was wild, the great eagle, sea eagle, sea swallows, storks, etc.. It is also a place for many species living in storage as: Pelican Curly, great eagle, etc..

There are about 29 different types of amphibians and reptiles (including turtle sea water) and 25 species of mammals including Vidrën, Nuselalën, deer and red fox.

The Lagoon is a good place for a visitor in search of adventures, and although there is not yet a tourism infrastructure in the area of ​​the lagoon, it offers the very best eco-tourism as well as the opportunity to view birds and nature.

You can get a driver in Divjake and ask him to take you in Dajlan, where the channel is the largest of the three channels connecting the lagoon with the Adriatic. It is a very good place to get closer to the water and to see the fishermen at work. Also you can down by bus Divjaka beach at the entrance of the forest and follow a gravel road on the left (south), and you will be lead to a maze of small channels of water that make up the northern part of the lagoon.

Lagoon Karavasta is near Beach Divjaka, so follow the same directions to get there.

From : Bashkia Fier 

Riviera of Albanian , Great nature !

Riviera of  Albanian (Riviera shqiptare/Bregu) is a coastal area in the County of Vlorë running along theIonian Sea under the Ceraunian Mountains in Southern Albania. It should not be confused with the Albanian coastline as a whole which includes both the Riviera and the mostly flat coastline of central and north Albania. Traditionally, the region begins south of Llogara National Park, continues down along the coast through the villages of Borsh, Himara, Qeparo, Piqeras, and ends at Lukovë. Other sources mark Sarandë or Tongo Island as the end point, and Vlorë or Karaburun Peninsula as the start point. The Albanian riviera was procclaimed as the 2012 Top Value Destination by Frommer's.
In 2009, the region gained international attention after the reconstruction of the coastal road SH8, DJ Tiesto's tour stop in Dhermi and the filming of a Top Gear episode featuring a breath-taking car pursuit along the winding coastal road. and Bon Jovi's and Roger Taylor's holiday stops along the coast.

The area is a major nightlife, ecotourist, and elite retreat destination in Albania. The region features traditional Mediterranean villages, ancient castles, and Orthodox churches. In fact, the landscape alternates between mountain passes, turquoise beaches, underwater fauna, caves, and orange, lemon and olive plantations.
In 48 BC during his pursuit of Pompey, Julius Caesar set foot and rested his legion at Palase. He continued onto Llogara Pass in a place later named Caesar's Pass. As part of the regional master plan, the World Bank and other institutions are financing local infrastructure projects, including the renovation of roofs and facades of traditional houses overlooking the Riviera.

Friday 28 December 2012

Theth Albania National Park

 Thethi is a scenic village that became a tourist resort and one of the most preferred places for alpinism in Albania. Together with Razma, it composes the most frequented center in the North Albania. They function during all the year. Thethi village is surrounded by a mountain range, which offers a peculiar beaty along the sun set. The highest peaks are: Rodohina Mountain 2596 m; Harapi Mountain 2216 m; Populka Mountaun 2600 m and Alia Mountain 2400 .